Logo Design Brief Looking to reach the stars with your online presence? Our digital marketing solutions are the perfect Launchpad for your success. Explore Success View Portfolio Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.PERSONAL INFORMATIONLayoutContact Person Name *Contact Email Address *LOGO DETAILSLayoutLogo Name *What is your business industry? *Company Slogan / TaglineWhat is your preferred color choice?Competitors and Similar BusinessesBusiness Details *SELECT TYPOGRAPHYSelect your prefer typography Style.GothicScriptHandWrittenSerifRetroTypewriterTechnoComicSans SerifStencilSELECT LOGO TYPELogo TypeSYMBOL OR ICONWORD MARKLETTER MARKCOMBINATION MARKCHARACTER BASEDEMBLEMDO YOU HAVE AN EXISTING WEBSITE?Do you have Existing website? *YESNOWebsite LinkHOW DO YOU PLAN TO USE YOUR LOGO?How Do You Plan To Use Your Logo? *Web (Website, banner ads, email marketing)Print (Business cards, letterhead, stationery)Clothing (T-Shirts, hats, embroidery)OtherotherDo you have any files, images, sketches or other documents that might be helpful to our designer? Please upload files Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files. Additional CommentsAccept Conditions (copy)I have read and agree to the Terms & Condition and Privacy PolicySubmit